Saturday, November 13, 2010

Week 8 Post 2: Inductive Reasoning

As I was looking through all of the different types of reasoning, the one that was hardest for me to understand was inductive reasoning. The first time looking at that type of reasoning made me literally scratch my head. When I was trying to search online for this type of reasoning, it started making more and more sense to me. I found out what inductive reasoning means, it is to take one specific thing and turn it into a general idea. An example of this would be, “My turtle’s shell is green. Therefore all turtles have green shells.” This example shows how one specific thing such as my turtle can be turned into a general claim. This argument is most definitely false because I have not seen other people’s turtle before and therefore I cannot make and assumption of the general. But to make inductive reasoning work, I can say that,” only my turtle has a green shell.” Saying it this way allows for my argument to be right and tell others that it is because it is my turtle only makes it specific. Here is a site that I thought would be useful when looking at inductive reasoning.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Little J! I agree with you, I find that inductive reasoning to be quite difficult to understand because the way it was explained was somewhat confusing. But you did a very good job at explaining inductive reasoning in simply terms. Another example of inductive reasoning could be, "My van shoes are black out of all my friends vans shoes, therefore all vans shoes are black." That statement is obviosuly not true but like you said, the way to correctly change it into inductive reasoning is saying "only my vans shoes is black out of my friends vans shoes." good blog post!
