Saturday, November 6, 2010

Week 7 Post 2: Exercise #6

I choose to do exercise # 6, looking for an example of appeal to spite. As I mentioned before appeal to spite means to hopefully look for revenge on someone and causing him or her to fail. When looking at that and it tells me to link it to political views such as campaigns. This is a great idea for me because it was November 2 was the day to vote. Hopefully everyone went. But getting back to topic, I remember watching a commercial about Meg Whitman, she was running for governor of California. I remember watching a commercial where she was saying exactly all the same things that former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said. My reaction to this was ,“Wow!” she sounds exactly like him. In my opinion, I felt that it was a funny and convincing commercial that Meg Whitman will be exactly like Arnold Schwarzenegger, and do the same thing and not help the state of California. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the way in which you described spite. With this election campaign that went on for months, I also did see the video of Meg whitman clearly speaking the same ideas and words as Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was one of the campaign videos that a lot of my friends told me about out of all the other videos. I know the purpose of the commercials was to spite or put revenge and backlash against one another, but it was a little out of hand some of them. I wasn't surprised that Meg Whitman didn't win because everyone kept bringing up how she has never voted before in a long time.
