Friday, November 12, 2010

Week 8 Post 1: Reasoning Examples

Reasoning by Analogy
            Premise: My mom likes to make pancakes in the morning.
            Premise: My sister likes to make pancakes in the morning too.
            Conclusion: Therefore, everyone likes to make pancakes in the morning.
Sign Reasoning
            Premise: The water in the fish bowl is turning murky and looks dirty.
            Conclusion: It's time to clean the fish bowl. 
Causal Reasoning
            Premise: I missed the bus for school today.
            Premise: Therefore I was late and didn’t have time to eat breakfast.
Reasoning by Criteria
            Premise: Marisa loves purple orchids.
            Conclusion: I think it would be a great idea to get her orchids for her birthday.         
Reasoning by Example
            Premise: Learning how to swim is not as hard as it seems.
            Conclusion: You can look at Kim and learn from the way she does the back float.                
Inductive Reasoning
            Premise: Troy has to drive his daughter Ella to school at 7 o’clock.
            Conclusion: He will also drive his daughter to school tomorrow.
Deductive Reasoning
            Premise: They sell lots of fruits and vegetables at Safeway.
            Premise: Orange is a fruit.
            Conclusion: Oranges are sold at Safeway. 

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