Saturday, November 6, 2010

Week 7 Post 3: Appeal to Pity

Another topic from this chapter that interested me was the appeal to pity. In the Epstein text, it shows that appeal to pity means to feel sorry for someone. The text itself gave an example of “If you feel sorry for poor kids, you should give money to any organizations that says it will help them.” As for my own example I want to relate it back to PETA, where PETA allow us to feel sorry for the animals and tells us not to harm animals. They do a good job of this by using videos of animals and very cruel descriptions of how animals are tortured and raised and ends up on our dinner table. This is where appeal to pity comes in, in my own opinion, I start feeling bad for them and at times it makes me so disgusted that I would actually want to consider being a vegetarian. On top of that, I would want to donate to organizations like that to help animals and protect them from cruelty.

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