Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week 6 Post 1: Assignment 2

I think that Assignment #2 was the most useful from the two assignments we had to do. For our group, we chose to use PETA as our social organization group. I think that PETA is a great organization to look at because of how passionate they are about help and saving animals. Looking into their website, I was able to find a lot of topics that were discussed in the text, which made it clear on which side they stand on. An example of that would be concealed claims, how PETA would use dysphemism, meaning that they would use words and exaggerate the issue. I understand that there is no way of making killing animals sound good, but PETA really shows how animals are brutally treated. I like choosing social organizations then the editorial letters because we are able to analyze the website ourselves without having to either agree or disagree with the argument. I think that it’s more difficult to look for fallacies in PETA because they make it clear whose for and against wearing fur and eating meat. I like how they use celebrities to attract people to the organization.  

1 comment:

  1. How interesting little j. My group is also writing our assignment number 2 on PETA. I think that PETA is a good organization to analyze. There are so many things on the site that you would want to write about. It is all about saving animals. I hate seeing animals get treated wrongly. For instance, when I watch the news, sometimes dog owners let their dogs fight each other just to make some money. I feel bad for the dogs or any type of animals. True, animals are being brutally treated. I don’t understand why? What makes them think they can do this to an innocent animal? I love animals and I think that PETA was the right choice to go.
