Thursday, December 9, 2010

Week 10 Post 3: Chapter 14

Something that I found from Chapter 14 interesting is about Generalizations. From the Epstein text means that we are to make a claim about an issue, such as for a group or population to generalize an argument. There are three different things to point out for generalizations: 1. The sample is representative 2. The sample is big enough 3. The sample is studied well. What I just listed are all the things for premises to be considered as a good generalization.  In other words, for generalizations to be accurate, we need to consider the population as a whole with enough data to prove the problem. There should also be a small error margin for the population. This also includes variation, because it gives the data different things to compare it with. If we were to just compare one issue by itself, there wouldn’t be a correct answer due to the fact that you are basing your answers with one type of generalization.

Week 10 Post 2: What I Learned

There were so many things that I have learned from this class. To begin with I wasn’t taking this class seriously, but as the semester went on, I found that a lot of the things that we learned in class is beneficial to our every day lives. The skills that I have obtained from the class consist of learning how to communicate effectively with people in general.  This skill was most used when we had to do our group presentations. We needed to learn how to communicate with each other effectively such as, set up times to meet up to discuss with group projects, how to divide up the work and how we should write the paper itself. I also learned how to visually see how people communicate from our last group project, the group facilitation project. I was able to spot who the leader is and how the group interacted throughout the meeting. I feel that learning this technique has bettered my communication skills.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Week 10 Post 1: Best, Least and Improved

My favorite part about the class is that I was able to do all the stuff online. This made it convenient for me to do it at the comfort of my own house. I also liked how the professor made it so easily to contact her and help me whenever I was in need. She is a quick responder and is willing to help to the full extent. My least favorite part about this class is that when we are to post up blogs, we have to wait a full 12 hours until we can post our new blog. I feel that it’s unnecessary and we should be able to post stuff regularly and whenever we feel like without the time constraint. I feel that this class is good the way it is. It is straight forward and easy to understand. To improve this class, I feel that if we just skipped the 12 hour limit would be more helpful and easier for students.