Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week 3 Post 3: Something Interesting

One interesting topic that I went over from this week’s topic is from Essential Guide for Group Communication Chapter 4. It talks about how when your arguments that compromising is something that you need in order for things to work out in everything especially with negotiating with people. Other than negotiating, there are different ways to share ideas in a way where its fair for everyone and it’s not all about yourself.  An example of how compromising works is when my friends and I would talk about how we were going to decorate our apartment.  We both had different ideas of how we wanted the room to look like. But in the end we talked it out and compromised in having a mix of the two. We would decorate our bed and desk the way we wanted then the walls and other decorations would be a mixture of our designs. By agreeing with each other, we skipped all the fighting and arguments. In the end we both loved the room and how it turned out.

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