Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 3 Post 1: Exercise #2 pg.225

Exercise on page 225 in the text, “Critical Thinking”:
2. I’m on my to school. I left five minutes late. Traffic is Heavy. Therefore, I’ll be late for class. So I might as well stop and get breakfast.

Argument- Yes she is arguing with her self because if she wasn’t late she would of not have second thoughts of getting breakfast, but since she’s late she has more choices.
Conclusion- Since she is already late might as well satisfy her hunger.
Additional premises need? - The person did not mention any reasons why she’s late or if anything got into her way to keep her from being on time.
Identify any sub-argument - The person thought it would be okay to be late because she’s already late anyways.
Good argument? - I don’t believe this is a good argument because the person did not mention any valid reasons to be late or why he/she is late. It just made it seems like he/she didn’t care


  1. Good job on this assignment. Everyone did number two; I guess it was the easiest? But I do agree with all your answers. On number two, we do see arguments happening, but is it strong or good? I believe that it is not a good argument because the premises are too short and it needs to be more developed. You left one thing out, which was, is this exercise helpful in any kind of way, or was it not? I think that it helps me out a lot because you can see what you are missing and what needs to be corrected. It also shows you what your strong points are and what your weaknesses are.

  2. I agree with Aria, everyone picked this one, even I did! I would have to agree with both you and Aria on the fact that it is an argument. However, I believe that even though it is not a strong argument; it is still an argument with missing parts. I noticed that many people develop arguments along these lines: very vague and undeveloped. It is hard to understand their point with such a weak argument. I also think that this exercise helped, not only me, but everyone to become strong in determining the parts of an argument and also in developing a strong argument.

  3. Hey there Aria.
    Everyone commented on the fact that everyone did this one, and I think its true! I did this one also. I feel like the reason everyone choose this one is because we can all relate to this. All of us college students have gotten up late for class and said, "Hey, Im late. Crap! Im going to get some breakfast!"
    This however is not a good argument at all. Its far to short and needs to be developed further. It never tells why the student woke up late. It could have been due to some important issue.
