I found the Mission Critical website easy to follow and understand. I liked the fact the there is everything you need to understand terms. Bullet points used in the website made it easy to locate and search for, especially difficult concepts. I thought that this website should be shown to everyone taking a Comm class because it is really useful. As I clicked in Appeal to Pity, a whole page of information came up about this topic. It gives great examples and definitions of the word that made me understand it better. I also like how it has review problems for fallacies. For me, fallacies were one of the difficult concepts to understand. Therefore having the fallacy exercises really helped. It also includes answers and examples of you are stuck on a problem or you don’t understand the question. Looking at this site, I tried to review other topics that I didn’t understand and I found this site to be very handy, I will definitely add to it my bookmarks.
The Mission Critical website was very helpful. I agree in that the set up of the website was easy to locate different topics and definitions we need to learn. The one thing I liked about the Mission Critical Website is that each section had a scenario or example to help us understand it a little better. I kind of like the website more than the book because it’s easier to locate things better than the book. The book has more information though, so I would use the book a little more. The reviews on fallacies helped very much for me to understand fallacies in general.