Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week 6 Post 3: Futher Discussions

I  think there were a lot of topics in this book that were hard  for me to understand. But most of them were easier to understand than the other ones, such as concealed claims. That was one of the concepts that i thought would need further discussions on. In the book, concealed claims had a lot to do with the words we chose to use in our arguments. There are different types of concealed claims that can affect with the way you write your claims. Loaded questions are one of those, that is sometimes hard for me to understand. I found this site to help those types of issues with understanding loaded questions. As I browse through this site, I found that it also offers help to understanding fallacies, another concept that was hard for me to understand as well. I think that the best way to understand difficult concepts is to just reread the chapters and discuss with your fellow classmates. Whoever can give me more details for concealed claims please leave a comment below :)


  1. Hello,

    I agree with you that concealed claims are a bit difficult to fully grasp. But from my understanding and a way I found that easy to spot them out are through advertisements. Often ads tell their audience one thing but truly want to say something else. For example recently Weight Watchers' slogan has been "Diets don't work." and they show people struggling to lose weight by giving up their favorite indulgence. But what Weight Watchers is truly telling their audience is that their way is more effective because they tell their clients that they can still eat what they want but in moderation. Weight Watchers is still considered "dieting" because people following it are limiting their caloric intake and exercising to keep the weight off. It's just that Weight Watchers is taking a smarter approach by making people think that they are not actually dieting since they are still having dessert or other sweets, they are simply having less of it and changing their lifestyle. So concealed claims convince people through indirect messages.

  2. I agree with pretty much what you wrote. I'm glad you cleared up somethings that i was kind of confused on. I remember thinking when taking the midterm that the book doesn't really explain the things to the fullest extent sometimes. So you describing them really helps people like me. I also wrote about fallacies because i think the books way of just describing it in one sentence is really useless. You talking about loaded questions and fallacies really helps out people who didn't know what was going on in some cases. I know during the midterm i was a bit lost on what was what.
