Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week 4 Post 2: Personal Experience

I am interested in the topic of Personal Experience. In the textbook it states, “Our most reliable source of information about the world is our own experience.” I believe that this is the most valid reason of how we can show others the truth. We need to trust in ourselves because that the only legit thing that we have to prove. The only person that you can trust is from your own eyes. I remember this one time where I saw a fox in one of the parks in San Francisco. I told my friend and he did not believe me at all. He completely ignored me and said a lot of things to disprove me. I saw what I saw and it was real. A week later when I was going through Golden Gate Park, I was telling him about my story again. And as I was turning the block guess what we saw? It was the FOX! I was so happy and my friend didn’t say anything to me after that. I was able to prove him wrong and it felt so good because he thought he was right the entire time. J

1 comment:

  1. I was also interested in this topic but ended up going with a different one. I agree that our most reliable source is our own experiences. It's like learning from our mistakes. If you had a bad impression of a product or person, you won't trust in it or them in the future. Like if a friend lied to you, it will be hard to trust them in the future. It's hard for people to convince you to a different side than your own experiences. Living out the experience is usually enough to form solid strong opinions.
    I like your fox story, it made me smile.
