Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week 3 Post 2: Content Fallacies

Fallacies are different ways of showing how an argument is a bad and hard to support.  As for the fallacy that I chose to talk about is Phony Refutation. This is when a person says or does something, but in the end, they are doing the opposite of it. This type of fallacy is always happening in the world. It is funny how parents sometimes use this technique to teach their kids. An example of this is when I heard my Nutrition teacher talk about how she’s teaching her daughter to eat her fruits and vegetables. On the inside she hates bananas. She doesn’t like the texture, smell and taste of it, but she has to deal with it so her daughter will learn that its an important fruit to eat. For her to teach her daughter to like something that she hates is a bad argument. Especially once her daughter gets older and learns that her mom hates bananas. I see that her intensions are good, but in the end its still a Phony Refutation. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with phony refutations being a fallacy. It is hypocritical. On the other hand sometimes we have to do it. Just like in your example. Parents have to find ways to get their kids to eat their fruits and vegetables even though they may not like certain ones. The argument may be wrong but the point they are trying to teach is acceptable, well at least to me. Another example may be teachers or counselors trying to convince students to join a club or fraternity when they did not. They may have later realized how beneficial it would have been and want us to take up the opportunity.
