Friday, September 3, 2010

Week 1 Post 2: Vague Sentences

A vague sentence is like a description or a response that doesn’t have enough details to answer a question. A vague sentence is also known as an unclear sentence. Usually vague sentences cannot create a vivid picture, giving the reader no imagery of what they are trying to say.

An example of a vague sentence is when my friend told me she moved into her an apartment with her roommate and I asked, “ How did you decorate your new room?” She answered, “It’s pretty, I just added a lot of stuff on the walls.” This is a great way of showing a vague sentence because she didn’t give a good image on what her room looks like. I asked how she decorated her new room and she replied with an unclear sentence giving me a vivid picture. This causes a vague sentence because she described her room with “stuff” instead of details that create imagery. This happens in a casual conversation because when we respond to a simple question, we don’t think about the details thoroughly. Therefore, we end up giving a vague answer.

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