Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Week 1 Post 1: Subjective and Objective Claims

Richard L. Epstein and Carolyn Kernberger state that there are two different types of claim, a subjective and objective claim. A subjective claim is a type of claim that expresses truth base on someone’s belief and on his/her personal preference. It cannot be proven right or wrong. A objective claim is a claim that is factual and not based of personal beliefs. Therefore, objective claims can be proven right or wrong.

I would have to say I use subjective claims everyday. We will always choose want we prefer. For example, my hobby is to scrapbook. I find it fun and relaxing than blankly inserting them into an album. Not everyone will have patience to put scraps together or even take the time to arrange pictures. Epstein and Kernberger will call this a subjective claim because it is my own personal standard.

Objective claims are more used for impersonal standards, like what we don’t have control of, such as the law and market prices. For example, I recently rented a textbook for $60.  It wasn’t my choice to pay $60, it was the company’s choice to set the price. We are able to prove if it's right or wrong by going to the bookstore and check the price.


  1. Hi, I'm Tina from Comm41 class and I just happened to randomly stroll by your blogger to check out your blog page!

    I like how you rephrase the section about Subjective and Objective claims in a short summary. I agree with you that many of us happen to use subjective claims just about everyday! We have our own opinions to express, but it's most likely subjective rather than objective. It's nice to be able to know how others feel and express their opinions, rather than having it as an objective claim with no opinions.

    I also like your examples on objective claims such as law and market prices, something that I didn't thought of.

  2. Hi. Im stephanie, also from COMM 41-82

    I enjoyed reading your post on this subject. I wish I read it before I even posted mine. The way you reworded your summary made it really easy to understand the difference between subjective and objective claims. I also agree that we make many subjective claims with out even being aware of it. Your examples are really good and help me to understand alot better. thanx

  3. Hi I am from comm 41

    I thought your explanation on subjective and objective claims was good. You really helped me understand what each of them were. You also made me realize that people use subjective claims all the time without even realizing it. Most people are always giving their opinion about something. What they probably do not realize is that they are using subjective claims. Your examples were really good and would help anyone who did not really understand, understand a lot better. I really like the objective example you used. I probably would have never thought of that being an objective example.thanks
